What COVID-19 Changed?

What COVID-19 Changed?

Image Source-government

COVID-19 or CORONAVIRUS is spreading worldwide with very high rate. Number of cases till now are 20 million. As this crisis made our life disrupted and clashed all our plans of 2020There’s no doubt about the massive damage it has done to our lives in terms of loss of livelihood, mental health, restricting mobility and more.

But interestingly, the Covid-19 has bought us time to re-think the way we live our lives, and not take things for granted. This re-thinking has made people observant of their consumer behaviour, more importantly, their spending habits.

1. People Got Awared:-

Image Source-northwell

By COVID-19 we get used to wear Masks which are useful to us in our daily lives with or without CORONAVIRUS. That became our Good Habit.

2. E-Commerce websites got a Boost:-

Due to COVID-19 all of us are stuck at our homes and because of that E-Commerce websites like Amazon, Flipkart got a large Boost and We are now now close to set in the Digital life.

3. Pollution Level Decreases:-

Image Source-nbc

First time Air in the Cities gets Cleaner and people living out there gets a Fresh air. Due to COVID-19 Work From Home Vehicles out in the city are less and Air Pollution is decreased.

4. We are getting Digital Anyway:-

Image Source-eletimes

Lockdown made us realise that getting digital helps us in many ways. As the Banks and everything is now open but fear of COVID-19 make us realise that everything is Digital and let's get Digital. 

5. We Switched to E-learning:-

Image Source-indianexpress

The Schools and Colleges are closed due to COVID-19 and because of that all schools and colleges shifted to E-Learning platform and that's a pretty good thing. E-Learning platform is the best way a student can acquire a knowledge.

6. We are now cared about our Diet:-

Image Source-expresspharma

Due to COVID-19 we are now cared about our Diet. For being safe of Coronavirus the First Thing you need is a Good Immune System and to strengthen your Immune System you should have a proper diet.

7. Impact on Pharmaceutical Companies:-

Corona Virus (Covid-19) has almost impacted every industry, causing steep inroads into the global economy. Pharma industry is no exception. In this blog let us understand the impact on the pharma industry.

Cost of Drugs and Raw materials

The impact Covid-19 has created in China and the lockdown in India, United States, and other countries, further increases the chances of shoot up in the cost of raw materials and drugs. 13% of the brand and generic manufacturers are based out of China and according to the FDA, as of 2018, 24% of medicines and 31% of medical ingredients were imported from India. 


  • The cost of Paracetamol in India has gone up to Indian Rupees 400-450 per kilogram from Rupees 250- 300 per kilogram 
  • The price of vitamins and penicillin have increased by 40- 50 % in India

If the current situation continues to prolong, the cost of essential drugs might increase in the US and other countries as well.

8. How it affected Indian Economy:-

Unemployment rose from 6.7% on 15 March to 26% on 19 April and then back down to pre-lockdown levels by mid-June. During the lockdown, an estimated 14 crore (140 million) people lost employment while salaries were cut for many others.  Up to 53% of businesses in the country were projected to be significantly affected.More than 45% of households across the nation have reported an income drop as compared to the previous year A large number of farmers around the country who grow perishables also faced uncertainty.

We salute Corona Warriors:-

In these tough times let's thank to those people who stay away from their families and are fighting through this pandemic.

1. Doctors:- The medical staff who are saving the lives of peoples

2. Police Officers:- The Police Staff out there for maintaining Law and Order.

3. Sweepers:- These sweepers out there who are taking away the biological waste fom Hospitals, Houses and from our Soocieties.

Thanks to all of them.

We all will get through this.😊😊

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