Weird Fun Facts

Weird Fun Facts


That’s right, you didn’t misread, here we have 15 random weird facts about literally everything you could think of!


1.  National Sleep Head Day:



Celebrated in Finland. On Nation Sleep Head Day Music and a procession of pyjama- and dressing gown-clad people, armed with a range of noise producing instruments and kitchen utensils wake up the town from 6am onwards. Traditionally, a celebrity sleepy head is thrown into the harbour basin at 7am. The last person in the house to wake up is thrown into water by the early risers. It will be celebrated on 27 July 2020.


2.  New York’s Central Park:



 New York’s Central Park is nearly twice the size of the entire country of Monaco. New York is also called ‘The Big Apple’ because of many racing courses in and around New York City.


3.  Takes only 1 Hour to drive to Space:



If you got into your car, turned on the ignition and drove up to the sky at 60 mph, it would take just one hour to get to outer space, according to astronomer Fred Hoyle. Of course, this is purely a theoretical, but it sure is fun to think about!


4.  Cloud can Weigh more than a Million Pounds:



Clouds are not as light and fluffy as they appear. In fact, researchers have found that a single cloud weighs about 1.1 million pounds. How do they know? Well, that number is calculated by taking the water density of a cloud and multiplying it by its volume. Fortunately, the cloud can still "float" at that weight because the air below it is even heavier.


5.  Snowed in Sahara Desert:



It snowed in the Sahara desert for 30 minutes on February 18, 1979. The reason associated with the snowfall in this region is because of cold air aloft associated with a surface storm drifting from Spain to northern Algeria.


6.  A meteor exploded over Earth with the force of 10 atomic bombs



You'd think if a spacial body met a phenomenally fiery fate right above our heads, we'd notice. But when a meteor hit our atmosphere on Dec. 18, 2018, and exploded with a force that was 10 times the energy of the Hiroshima atomic bomb, it wasn't discovered by NASA scientists until after the fact. Turns out, it went largely undetected because it took place over the Bering Sea in an area that was close, but not directly on, the path of commercial planes flying between North America and Asia.


7.  Australia has pink and purple lakes:



Lake Hillier sits on the edge of Middle Island, which is off the coast of Western Australia. It's known for its vibrant pink color, which is due to the presence of the algae Dunaliella salina. It causes the lake's salt content to create a red dye, which helps produce its bubble gum color. Lake Hillier is safe to swim in. Hillier also has a purple-ish lake sibling. Hutt Lagoon, in Port Gregory on Western Australia's Coral Coast, has a large amount of Dunaliella salina, too. Depending on the season and the amount of cloud coverage, Hutt Lagoon can be different colors, ranging from red to pink to lilac.


8.  It is illegal to Die in Norwegian Island:


Norwegian Island in Svalbard it is illegal to die. This is because bodies are unable to be buried safely due to the permafrost on the ground. If you are about to die, they fly you back to mainland Norway to pass on there.


9.  Jack Daniel’s Death Safe:



Jack Daniel (the founder of the whiskey) died from kicking a safe. When he kicked it, he broke his toe which got infected. He eventually died from blood poisoning.


10.     Bucket Fight leads 2000 deaths:



In 1325, two Italian city states fought over a bucket which resulted in 2,000 deaths. It started when two soldiers stole a bucket from a well from the city center.


11.     Town with a population of 1:



There is a town in Nebraska called Monowi with a population of one. The only resident is a woman who is the Mayor, Bartender and Librarian. It is the 529th largest city in Nebraska and the 19492nd largest city in the United States.


12.     Turquoise Ice formations on lake:



This is what Turquoise Ice formations on Lake Baikal, Russia look like.   Lake Baikal “the gem that does not need to be cut.” It's the oldest, largest, deepest, and clearest freshwater lake in the world. Every winter, as temperatures plummet to well below zero, the crystal clear lake water forms brilliant gem-like ice that glimmers in the sunlight.


13.     Antarctica is a Desert:



Antarctica is a Desert. It is the coldest, windiest & driest place on earth. Antarctica is melting rapidly. It has lost more than 3 trillion tonnes of ice in 25 Years.


14.     Twitter Bird Name is LARRY:



The name comes from Larry Bird, who is a famous Hall of Fame basketball player. The species of Larry the Bird still remains a secret!


15.     Eagle’s Front View:



This is one of the best reasons why Eagle Pictures are from side angle as it looks very different from front angle and looks funny too.

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  1. These facts are really amazing..
    Some of these are truey weird and also at the same time it's hard to believe.

  2. Wow these facts are amazing. 👌🏻


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